Get unshakable confidence to lead & guide women
~ individually and in groups ~

Sanctum - Women's Facilitator course


Women's Circle,
Rite of Passage
& Facilitator  Training

JUNE 2024

Create and run Women's Circles, Ceremonies, Retreats, Workshops and experiences with deep understanding, confidence and integrity - trauma informed and responsive.

Learn how to create and facilitate
women’s circles and rites of passage
Begin straight away with all my templates and downloads!
Get paid to do what you love…it really gets to be that simple!  
All the support and learning you need to lead yourself and others magnificently

 ➾ unshakable self-belief + confident facilitation  = magnetic AF 

Join from anywhere, watch any time

You know you want to help others create huge transformations and move more gently through transitions, but you just don't know how to do it ...or if you can!

✘ You've had enough of constant self-doubt

✘ You're sick of having no clear direction and don't know how to start

✘ You're fed-up with feeling like you're only partially tapping into what you can offer

You know you want to earn an income doing what you love...but it feels really hard...and 'headspace' is a real issue!

You crave to find your purpose, to do meaningful work and clear away some big childhood stuff, so you are able to come home into yourself more and more.

You long to feel like you know what your work in the world is and truly feel like there is nothing in the way to stop you.

If you've ever felt like this, it's time to meld your heart, soul, life's-work and motherhood together.

✔️ It's time to feel confident, happy and connected, to yourself, your life and your work.

✔️ It's time to make it easeful to create money by being of deep service to others.

✔️ Its’ time to create heart-centred experiences effortlessly, and never doubt your content or ability again.

✔️ It's time to drop comparison and fall deeply in love with your work, because you just feel so good about what you offer!

Create experiences that are deeply meaningful, dramatically healing and unforgettable.

YOU are the exact medicine the people seeking you just have to let them find you...

➢ Access your unique facilitator 'flavour' to create incredible experiences people want to come back for over and over again.

➢ Feel confident to run girls Coming of Age Ceremonies, Women's Circles and Rites of Passage packed full of ritual, meaning and rhythm.

➢ Learn embodiment, meditation and facilitation skills step by step and through experience with me.

➢ Get all my resources, participant handouts, structure and booking form templates to make it EASY to get your own Circles and Ceremony's up and running.

➢ Work for pleasure, not pressure. 

You love spaces of magic, mystery & healing.

You're rather partial to a 'bit of woo'.

And, gosh, you'd love to be paid to create that type of connection for others

It's just that your doubt + imposter syndrome start to kick in...and you're not sure if you can make money from it, or if it will even work, or what it might look like for you to run deeply authentic experiences that light your heart on fire...or how to promote it, or what to do....
Let's let that go, okay?

I've got you under my wing for 2-months, think of it like mentorship.
I'll lead you through your wobbles.
I'll reflect to you how powerful and capable you are, until you can't deny it any longer.
I'll show you how easy it can be to create a business you love, with clients you love, doing things you love.

You can binge the course-content, download 'all the things' to begin running circles straight away.
PLUS, you've got me guiding you while you get up and running!

It's life-changing support, delivered in a life-enriching way
- so you become the fullest version of you, who can offer the fullest experiences from a place of 'overflow' (no scarcity vibes here!).

Mentoring you to get your Experience or Women's Circle Business off the ground

When I signed up for Sanctum I had no idea how amazing and mind blowing it would be. The woman that signed up is not the person I left. I have so much knowledge, I let go of so much baggage that no longer served me and created a safe space within myself that will be forever changing. Deepest thanks Julie for creating a safe space for me to be all I am in this moment. Highly recommend!
- Katya

Sure, there's sh*t people get 'wrong' all the time in circle facilitation,
but that WON'T be you.

Common mistakes in circle:

IT LOOKS PRETTY, but it lacks depth.
Surface experiences, create surface results in your attendees. Unless you know how to access the subconscious and body-mind, and women trust you to lead them there, women will never go there and transformations will never truly occur.

THE ONLY 'FLAVOUR' IS DEEP, which when women are struggling, sometimes is the last thing they want to show up for!
There is always a way to bring joy, magic, love and light into any experience you want to create. As the facilitator, it's your job to create the vibe and match the experiences, so women can flow into it.

IT IS NOT TRAUMA-INFORMED, and facilitators are not trauma-responsive.
If you're not aware of how to lead and facilitate with safety, you can leave women re-traumatised or with strong vulnerability hangovers, causing further shutdown and shame spirals.

IT LACKS RHYTHM, so doesn't lead women in the direction of the transformation you're seeking to create, leaving a feeling of disjointedness and lack of clarity, which erodes trust and clients don't return!

Kick imposter syndrome in the butt, trust yourself & what calls you

Here's the thing, my love
I built my whole business off of Women's Circle Facilitation.
Yep, truly.

There's nothing circle won't teach you about your clients; what they need, want, desire and experiences you can create for them!
FREEDOM is the goal.

Freedom in how you work, financial freedom, future freedom.

Then I'll teach you how to break all the rules.

So you have complete freedom to create fun, authentic and vibrant experiences for women.

Use the skills and resources learnt for

- Women's Circles
- Rites of Passage Ceremony
- Individual coaching
- Group online or in-person programs
- Group Retreats
- Workshops
- Team bonding
- Community and connection building
- Space holding and/or facilitating
...and much more!

LEAD with rhythm, ritual & reverence

That makes it accessible for newbies and has trauma-informed & responsive knowledge and support.

Imagine what you could do!

"Sanctum is the most compassionate, professional and comprehensive training."
- Bettina Pfannkuch

Is this you?

✵ You'd love to create experiences for women to join around major changes in their life, but you feel like you're missing key knowledge

✵ You love 'the woo'...but don't know how to make it accessible for others

✵ You feel shaky and uncertain on how to hold women or what to take them through...maybe even scared to facilitate

✵ You don't let yourself own the magic and impact you have on others, little own share it and make money from it!

✵ You're not sure if you can create magical and connecting experiences for groups of women...but you really want to!

✵ You really want to create a business that meets all your top values of soul/heart aligned work, community, connection, family - you just don't know how!

Let's let that shiz go!

>>Never feel like creating feelings & mindsets within your clients is hard!

 >>Use your unique creativity & make creating huge transformations & spaces of nourishment, super beautiful and easeful.  

 >> Work for pleasure, not pressure!

Sanctum is everything I love in facilitation


Being in Sanctum has you feeling as warm and juicy as a sun-kissed peach on a warm summer day, but as clear and revitalised as that first dive into a crisp, clean river stream.

I've made this facilitation a mix of learning, experience and 1:1, so no matter what life throws at you - you'll be able to attend the 'soul-spa' for you and your business.

Imagine where you'll be ONE MONTH from now!


What you'll receive


All my resources, participant handouts, structure and booking form templates to make it EASY to get your own Circles and Ceremony's up and running.


For beginners and beyond, gain the skills to guide any experience you wish to bless your community with.

Including Women's Circles, Mother Blessings, Girls New Moon Ceremony's, and other feminine rites of passage.


The opportunity to be facilitated by Julie through online Circle experiences and 1:1 time together to get your ideas and business off the ground.
Plus a private Facebook group for questions, community & connection.

The learning format:

4 x Teaching Tuesday Sessions
To provide you with the crucial content, perspectives, insights, comprehension and finesse needed to confidently host your events.

3 x 1:1 coaching
Personalised coaching aimed at boosting both your confidence and propelling your business into action.

2 x Circle Demonstrations 
Interactive online demonstrations of Women's Circle gatherings and Rite of Passage ceremonies, offering firsthand experience as a participant and an opportunity to inquire about crafting your own.


Teaching Tuesdays

Over four Tuesday sessions, I'll run through the essentials of creating and running circle and ceremony.

We will also organise an online circle and rite of passage demonstration, once the group is gathered and time zones are confirmed.

Plus, you have the deep dive content along with use-straight-away tools in the online course platform.


1:1 Support

Whether it's understanding content, creating your own experiences to host or working out how to structure your business - you've got me 1:1 with you for 3 sessions!

It's time for facilitation, integration and as much support as you need to leave feeling confident.


Learn through experience, conversation, community and connection with other magnificent women on the same path as you.

We'll gather for online circle demonstrations, lead by me and group coaching calls.







Julie truly sees and listens to you and will help guide you 100% of the way. The love and support you will feel is next level, you will feel safe, supported and connected. The other ladies will be there holding your hand, learning to hold space amongst the amazing group of women is so beautiful. Be ready to become a women that finds herself, finding out that falling in love with herself is a possibility and feels so equipped to be able to hold space for other women. I will be forever grateful to you Julie, you have literally changed my life Xx
- Sharon M

All of this over 2 months for

Full Online training course + all resources
value $2,222

Group training and coaching calls
value $888

1:1 45 min Zoom call x 3
Value $1,111

Total value....$4,221

Yours for $1,888

I was taking on clients here and there. I made ~$6000 Last year. I was contemplating becoming a midwife because I wanted to have a bigger impact on women's lives. I made $4000 in just the first two months of the year. I have seen and felt the power of Circle, which has changed my life, and now I can witness how it changes the lives of women around me. I see and feel the purpose in the work I do. I see and feel the purpose of the things my heart calls me to do and how it serves my purpose, family, and myself.

- Hannah

Online Course Curriculum

"This course is a rich, immersive and expanding journey. Out the other end, I feel as if I have collected a tool kit to equip me on so many fronts, as I embark on seeding and birthing the work I most feel called to do - from business practicalities, working with energetics, understanding the feminine and rooting deeply in one's own calling. And so much more. More than anything, however, being immersed in Julie's presence & energy has been so nourishing and inspiring, she has created what feels like a rare oasis within which to return to a knowing we carry deep within our bones."


You'll learn Women’s Circle: 

Planning, preparation, set up, holding, structure, flow ~ AND you'll learn:

➵ Skill building on rituals, meditation, feminine practices, holding space and meeting depth  

➵ How to use the art of storytelling

➵ How to set up safe and sacred space women want to enter - physically and energetically

 ➵ How to open and close sacred space (which you can apply to women’s circle, ceremony creation, or consultation)  

➵ The techniques of leading women through a sacred experience

 ➵ How to hold space with safety, integrity, inclusion and responsibility

➵ How to access your intuition and open your channeling skills

➵ Setting up your Women’s Space business

"This course is a space where I met the depths of my truth. Where I truly connected to my unique gifts and stepped in to practise in a way I have always wanted to, yet never knew was missing. I have a new found energy not just for my work in the world, but for my life. Thankyou for this creation Julie."

- Charmaine





A sparkly way to celebrate, honour + process hysterectomy + vaginal prolapse surgery, with your friends in a hilariously funny + bonding event!

Plus, in circle, we'll discuss how to take your facilitation-prowess and turn it into something light AND potent for any life-event!



+ 6 Modules of killer content, to have you creating magnetic copy, attracting dream clients and selling out your offers.

6 modules to make social media your best friend and magnetic copywriting so effortless you can do it in your sleep!

"Before the course I felt ready to go all in finally on my soul work but didn't quite know how to press the start button...
To now having an actual real life business that is every single week growing and cultivating its own life force."

- Allyce

All of this for $4,789

ONLY $1,888

 "This course nurtured my innate ability to hold space and provide guidance for others while they navigate their way through suppressed and unfamiliar feelings and wounds. Julie's approach is gentle, yet profoundly deep and somehow magic. Julie has created a uniquely beautiful program that will stretch you, awaken you and provide the support and learnings to take you to your next level of healing.

- Sallie

Hi, I'm Jules ~ a lover & a healer

I'm a mother of four. A Naturopath of 18 years working with women, a doula of 12 years.

I've understood energy healing for as long as I can remember. I've traversed countries and innumerable experiences over my lifetime gathering women's ways and wisdom that our culture and time had cut us off from.

I deeply understand the power of women when they gather for a common cause - it's always healing and transformational.

That's what circle is for me; a medicinal space for the heart and soul to speak, and for the body and psyche to heal.

That's the combination possible when you offer this space to women. They re-member who they are and who they are here to be. That changes the world.

This course is for you if you're...

☽ Wanting to bring your soul + heart-aligned work into the world, to help heal other women (even if you're not sure how yet!)

☽ Wanting to use ceremony + ritual in your businesses, programs, workshops or offerings

☽ Wanting to deepen your knowledge around archetypes and rites of passage, so you can offer these transformational experiences in your work

☽ A professional seeking to deepen their knowledge in working with women and facilitating through trauma

☽ feeling called to gather women for community, support, healing and profound connection

☽ Feeling called to work with ceremony, ritual and the richness of a physical experience that allows a woman's psyche to process

☽ Know you want this for yourself, your community or as a business you can run around your family

☽ Desiring to offer special occasion ceremony; specifically Mother Blessings, Girls New Moon Ceremony, or other feminine rites of passage

☽ Crave to practice with informed awareness of appropriation, inclusion and trauma 

Ready to join me & get your business off the ground?


ONLY $1,888

"This course changed the way I see myself, my world, and my work. I always felt different from most people. I found my people and felt so seen within this glorious container. To see the depth to which work with women can go inspired me. To find my North star and see the purpose, I am forever changed and honored to work with women.

- Hannah

Words from other Circle graduates,
what they would like to tell you:

"Have the courage to move beyond your projections and go for the things you most desire."

"Trust your intuition. You are worthy of this investment!"

"Julie's teachings will warm your soul and fill your cells with wisdom and confidence to help wake you up to the gift of being you."

"Its allllll ON the way. The decent I was in before this felt mucky. I knew it was purposeful but I didn't fully trust its unfolding without my 'control'. Trust, surrender."

"YESSSSS! You're more ready for this than you could possibly know. Go go go GO!"

"Trust, have faith and know your doing everything you and your babies need and more."

Key Dates

TEACHING TUESDAYS, 12-2pm (Melbourne time)
June 4, 11, 18, 25
*All calls are recorded for replay and can be watched at your own convenience, though need to be completed in June, so we can do coaching in July.

Circle demonstrations will be worked out once the group is gathered and every effort will be made to accommodate time zones.
1:1 bookings will be made in July, after the content has been delivered, at a time that suits you.

- SP

Julie's teachings will warm your soul and fill your cells with wisdom and confidence to help wake you up to the gift of being you.

- Ange

Julie has an innate gift and ability to hold your hand and heart as you ease your way, and at times lurch awkwardly, while simultaneously tip toeing and wildly dancing your way through the most profound life shift you will ever experience. Julie has a gift. The question is; are you ready to receive it?

- Hannah

I have begun to see myself in a completely different way. I began to see how all the things I intuitively did to support women were purposeful. I felt seen and was able to take my work deeper and feel seen in my experience.

- Chloe

My whole outlook on how the world works has changed. I can see the bigger picture and have a better ability to dive into why things happen and what the lessons might be. My understanding of the feminine has gone from zero to being able to embody her. To go deeper into myself.


You can listen to the content at your own pace and choose the modules that are most supportive for you to create your goals right now. If you wanted to pace the content, 1-2 hours a week would well and truly get it all 'done'.

Teaching Tuesdays will be 2 hours, once a week for 4 weeks. 1 hour of content, 1 hour dedicated to group coaching.

We will schedule demonstration circles - roughly 1hour, once a month.

We will schedule your 1:1 calls for the second month - 3 x 45 min sessions.

As a rough total, you're looking at 2-3 hours a week for two months to get all the juice out of the experience. 

Evergreen course content and Facebook group access.

Yes! After this course, you will have the option to come into my private business mastermind group, Wildflower, should you wish to continue being supported in your business journey, you are not alone!