Honey Club + Queen School

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    Honey Club + Queen School 12 payments of $139 AUD /month
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    $139 AUD
    12 payments of $139 AUD /month

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      "I had one foot out of our marriage, looking for reasons to leave. Now I have both feet in and I’m looking for the beauty every day."

      - Sarah

      "I am a profoundly different person and my relationship has been able to flourish and expand in ways I never thought possible. It's been a beautiful journey of learning what my soul knows to be true and unlearning basically everything I'd been taught and conditioned to. I am so much happier and empowered in myself and my relationships since doing queen school and I know I will continue to uncover deeper truths and understandings when going through the content again. I am forever grateful that I found Julie and Queen School."

      - Tessa