Couples Dates

Say, Hello to Date Night! 

Monthly Dates begin in August 2024

Reignite the spark in your relationship in just 12 dates
& create an intimacy and connection that lasts all year.

For couples who want to:

↠ Move the dial on their intimacy and connection, rather than putting up with mediocre

↠Try out some new things while connecting with each other...and who knows, maybe learn a new trick or two!

↠ Prioritise their time together, without needing childcare

If you and your partner feel disconnected, you're not alone.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in work, the kids, daily to-do’s and neglect the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of your life – YOUR RELATIONSHIP.

That's why Date Night exists.

After 20-years of working with couples to reignite the passion they “used to have” and successfully helping them to discover new levels of intimacy, connection and communication–I’m now sharing these simple secrets to help your relationship be all that you crave for it to be.  


The date was AMAZING! My hubby was able to deliver because he had step by step instructions. It was a VERY powerful moment of connection. The sex afterwards was also great!

– Kiara 


Date Night is for couples who WANT to be together.

For partners who may be experiencing disconnection, distance or communication challenges – yet beneath it, there’s still a DESIRE to rekindle the polarity, connection and intimacy they sense is possible.

It’s also for couples who are steady and connected, who seek to DISCOVER a new level of intimacy and have a curiosity to deepen sexual pleasure.

For couples who find 80% of the time they're great, but the 20% they're not great, really rocks them.

For the couples who love what they've got and want to get to AMAZING.

For couples who want more intimacy, more spice, more connection.

NO MATTER WHERE your relationship stands – if you’re here with a willing heart, you will benefit from Date Night.

Date Night is making the time to date your parter - because you two are central to your family, let’s create that level of importance 

Date Night is for the weeks you don’t seem to ‘see’ each other, so no matter what happens in life, you know you've got a connected place to 'land' back together.

This is NOT a program for couples who:

- Find their relationship on rocky ground right now
- Struggle to communicate
- Are not willing to try new things and ways of responding to their partner  
- Have different ideas on what they want from their ‘ideal’ relationship
- Are not prepared to have open and honest conversations with each other

I'm Jules & I'm a lover.

A mother of four. A partner of 20 years. A trauma-responsive practitioner, who's travelled a path of awakening sexuality for connection, empowerment and fulfilment.

I deeply understand the complex mix of parenthood, relationship and sexuality:

- To feel like you no longer recognise your body, feel touched-out by parenthood and resentful of your partner.

- Mismatched sex drives

- Awkward or poor communication

- Wanting to let go, yet it is seems like the last thing you can do

- Craving to be taken, wanting to feel desirable and seen in all the ways, but not knowing how

- Wanting to meet your partner, only to feel like you always get it wrong and come crashing into old rejection wounds

It's okay. Leave your self-judgement at the door. We're here to grow, learn and step beyond our self-sabotage into deeply fulfilling connection with our body, partner and sexuality.


When you enrol in Date Night, you’ll be making a loving commitment to prioritise your relationship.

You’ll say, ‘YES’ to improving chemistry and connection between you and your partner.

Over the 12-months you’ll get access to: 1 x 20-minute pre-recorded date experience guided by me.

It’s pre-recorded so that you CAN commit to the date with your partner at a time and place that suits you both each month.


12 x 20 minutes Guided Dates

Each month you’ll receive an email with the month’s theme and date night video link These pre-recorded dates are a private experience which focuses on you two, as a couple. Just click play, and let playtime begin! 

Access to small, intimate, coaching pods

These sessions are optional to attend and are included to provide extra support on your Date Night journey. For 60-minutes each month, you can jump on the call with your partner or join solo. Come along to share your experience, get coaching, seek guidance or ask me any questions you have–I’m all yours.

You'll receive:
- Four coaching sessions in total, over the twelve-months, with optional anonymity (no video)
- Email support in between pod sessions
- Audio-only recordings for replay

I’ll split you into ‘couple groups’ (coaching pods) to enhance the connection and safety for vulnerability, questions and support, so you can get the most of out this experience for your relationship!


This guidebook will help you set the mood, ask the deeper questions and encourage intimacy between you and your partner. Everything included is simple and designed to make Date Night something you both look forward to each month.


Twice a month you’ll receive secret lover text messages to help create ecstatic polarity and connection between you and your partner. To receive these heart illuminating short texts, include your mobile number on enrollment. Femme and masc partners will receive different texts, which are designed to foster deeper intimacy and understanding.

Your partner wants to win at the intimacy game - they want to get it right.
Isn't it time you let them? ...

With Date Night,
you'll be able to:

➾ Break out of your routine and breathe new energy into each other.

➾ Experience new adventures together beyond Date Night.

➾ Rekindle the passion and intimacy in your relationship.

➾ Create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.

➾ Improve communication and deepen your understanding of each other.

➾ Create an intimate and romantic atmosphere primed for loving your partner.

➾ Love each other into the best versions of your partnership. 

“Seriously, my husband and I are having some of the best conversations,
the best sex and the best intimacy”

- Sarah

Don't let the spark in your relationship fade away for good.
Change your intimacy narrative today! It’s EASY.

"Loving the content, we thought we knew a lot about each other but it’s surprising how much is not said. So the questions have been a great help to allow us to open up and learn more about one another.  Even if you feel like your relationship is in a good place this content will definitely improve your relationship. Thank you for sharing your genius."

- Amanda 

If you haven’t heard this before,
let me be the first to say it:

Relationships and romance CAN be easy!

If you’re all in for creating a loved up connection between you and your partner – I’ll show you how! 

“We have noticed how good we are after a workshop date.”

- Melanie



12 monthly payments



Pay in full and get 2 months FREE!


Deliciously simple opportunity to rekindle the connection you once had or are yet to experience ...




"It was so great - thanks Julie! We couldn’t choose only one thing to take with us, we had 4! Loving these dates so much. They’ve paired so beautifully with the marriage counselling we’ve already done, but with more fun and body connection."

– Jules 

Let's eliminate your decision fatigue!

I get it, you want to date, but you don't want it to be another thing on YOUR list.
Another thing on your mental load.
Another thing to feel crushed and disappointed about, because it's yet another thing you're failing at.

YOU don't want to have to be the one to lead it.
You don't want to have to think about new, creative or exciting thing to do together, to bring more 'spice'.
You want it to be spontaneous...only you never seem to get that timing right...

And honestly, it just feels heavy, like 'getting it right' is hard...and you're already maxed out with life!

These Couples Dates are feeling the deep security of knowing every single month, you've got an easy-20 minutes to  grow your relationship, connection, emotional and sexual intimacy together! 

The dates are 20 minutes because that's what busy couples just like you told me was most 'do-able' for them!

Because you might not have an hour, but you sure can find 20 minutes for your relationship each month, right?

And you might not have an hour in you mentally or emotionally, but 20 minutes, you could do that...

So there's no excuses! This is the easiest way to grow your emotional and sexual intimacy together.
And this is the the best return on your investment you'll ever get.

More fun
More connection
More spice!

You get to be best friends + lovers

You can have both:
↬ love AND desire
↬ monogamy AND hot sex
↬ parents AND lovers


Here’s what couples (just like you) are saying about Date Night.  

We set up a date night, music & candles just in our room. Kids in bed. We were standing… just embracing. Swaying to the music. Kissing. I normally kiss with my eyes closed. Half way through I opened my eyes and we were really looking at each other kissing. He did something with his eyes & I literally melted.  The next day I said to him, last night there was a moment… he knew it. He felt it too. I described it as melting, like the last ever exhale, like falling in love again. He said it felt like he wanted to inhale me.  

I just wanted to let you know this is what doing the course has done for us.  We have never experienced this in 20 odd years!

 – Vicky 

We really enjoyed it. It was both challenging (being seen, feeling vulnerable and connecting back into my body) and enjoyable at the same time. We enjoyed doing it via replay as we could pause and give ourselves more time to think about our answers and clarify anything to gain understanding when our partner provided their responses. It was wonderful and we feel connected today after doing the workshop. I can't wait to see where we will be in 12 months.

– Julia   

It might sound funny but the choices of going to counselling, divorce, or Couples dates. Couples Dates won!  I think the thought of him getting me back in the bedroom while working on our relationship was a much more attractive idea.  Thank you, thank you, thank you–it really helped to explain to him how I've been feeling for years, without turning into one of our many same arguments where he gets defensive and I come out feeling like a bitch and just giving up and shutting down.

– Jo 

We’re here to improve our communication and understanding of one another so we can take our pleasure to the level I have only dreamt about. I want to shake off stigma & shame and connect even deeper with each other.

- LH 

I was able to sink deeper into my body and release tension that I didn't realise I was carrying, and most importantly, connect with my lover again. It feels like a long time coming and returning home. We did it two nights in a row, the second night we did it on our own without a video, and we made it our own – thank you!

 – Myra 

We both feel that it has been really beneficial. Especially the conflict styles bit. We feel it’s helping us to learn about each other and inch in the right direction.

– Jamie

12 dates,
guided by me.

Month 1 - Building on the connection that leads to polarity play

Month 2 - Creating safety and upping your touch-game

Month 3 - Feeling seen, heard and deeply loved

Month 4 - Creating simmer & polarity between you

Month 5 - The start-button to sexual zing & polarity

Month 6 - Magnetic attraction

Month 7 - Dirty Talk & Receiving

Month 8 -  Initiation & creating desire in your partner

Month 9 - Creating better sexual connection & mismatched sex drives

Month 10 - Love Nest set up and touch your partner LOVES

Month 11 - Yoni Worship

Month 12 - Cock Worship

*Worship dates are me guiding you through a practice of sexual healing. This is not for the purpose of sex - this is for the purpose of connection and healing...which will lead to better sex! But these dates do NOT come with the expectation of sex and are a hands-only practice.

Intentionally dating your lover gets to be super sexy, easy and fun!

And while you're having fun, you're learning:

↬ How to create sizzling daily connection together

↬ How to bring back play, fun and novelty into your intimacy and turn on!

↬ Ways to make her open to deeper pleasure

↬ How to make your partner feel seen and cherished by you

↬ How to uplevel your communication game, so you're always able to meet your partner and yourself with ease

↬ The play of polarity (masc/femme energy) and how you can use it to 'melt' your partner, whenever you want to!

↬ New and interesting things about your partner, you never knew before! (hello novelty!)

↬ Tantric breath and body practices  

↬ Easy daily ways to increase and improve your emotional and sexual intimacy




We did the date last night – OMG we both loved it! Such a great way to connect and reorient ourselves to each other after 16 years together it was such a fun way to be together!
– Sarah

Watch at your own pace! I'll email you with the links to the date each month...or you can jump in at your own pace!


This is a couples experience - however, if you'd like to follow along with a friend, you're more than welcome.

Yes! This is a stand-alone experience, no pre-work required.

20 minute date once a month.
1 hour coaching call, four times over 12 months.

You can join live for both, one or neither and watch the replays at a time that suits you!

Yes. However, it is important for you to know the content will use gendered language, and centre around male and female genital and physical anatomy.

Do you want to be?

If the answer is 'yes', then this program is a chance to bring that energy and attention back to an area of life that's not functioning in a way that lights you up.

I'll be guiding you through every step and am here to help you grow, expand and create the type of intimacy you crave. No matter where you are, I'll help you get to where you want to be. But it will require you're both committed to the workshops and the process of 'coming back together'.

If you're committed to each other and creating deeper connection and intimacy, then I'm committed to getting you there.

Yes! You have the option to join my private membership group - Honey Club (women only), or join the waitlist for my private coaching sessions.
You can also purchase Lovers School if you'd like to expand your sexuality journey via an online, self-paced course.